Wednesday, October 14, 2009

October is half over already...

It is weird to say that tomorrow will already be the 15th of October...which is good and scary all at the same time...School is half over for the semester (YAY). I have my first wedding photography job coming up at the beginning of November, the more I talk to people about it they tell me I should be nervous, but I am really really excited! I love weddings in general and love taking pictures, so I am ready for it to be here!

List Accomplishments:
#3-La Fiesta lunch with Monica
#11-Ate supper at HyVee with family..including Jonathan and Molly
#37-Technically I have completed this item, but I baked cookies and took them to Sears to share...we even had milk to go along with them!
#43-Whiskey Creek
#60-Wizard of Oz (Twice!)
#78-Bought supplies to make candles!
#97-Saved $50 for October

Monday, September 28, 2009

My New Bloggity Blog...

I feel like I occasionally am neglecting my 101 in 1001 blog, I try to reassure myself that it must be because I am so busy completing things on my list! (or not) I did accomplish one really big task on my list that I was not sure if it was possible or not....I did not buy any clothing for 1 whole month!!! For those of you who know me, that is a really big accomplishment. Spending my weekends at the mall for work does not help my shopping addiction any...I blame work for my love of shopping :)

Also, this past weekend Kaye (from Sears) convinced me to split a sandwich with her from Jimmy John's....we had a Beach she described it I was wondering what I was getting had avocado and bean sprouts and lettuce and cheese and turkey and whole wheat bread. It was actually really delicious. I am glad I decided to finally try it.

These are my recently worked on/completed items:
#43-Old Chicago, Dairy Queen, Jimmy Johns, Ihop, Old Chicago
#57-Senior Skip Day, Confessions of a Shopaholic, Breakfast Club, My Best Friend's Girl
#80-photographing my tasks as I complete them is in progress, but is challenging to always remember, but I will consider it officially in progress...
#84-Didn't buy any clothes from August 25, 2009 to September 25, 2009...really surprising that I made it...did go shopping on September 26, 2009 :)
#98-Saved $5 for completing #84

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Keeping Busy...

I have been staying plenty busy between school, work, photography, Tj, and lots of homework. I always keep in the back of my mind...what little thing could I do today to mark something off my list...well somehow I keep getting things done...which makes me feel really good!

Recently Worked on Items:
#11-talked to my brother for some technical assistance for my computer
#35-Photography Workshop--APW VII--didn't think I would get to attend anymore of these, but very thankful for getting to
#37-Baked cupcakes for Melanie's last day @ Sears
#43-McAlisters, Hunam, and Chilis
#47-had an opportunity to work on this one with the mushrooms, but my stomach was not up for the challenge yet...I know it's a mental thing
#97-Saved $100 ($50 for August and $50 for September)
#98-Saved $10 for completing two items (#35 & #37)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

9-1-2009 Lunch Date with Monica

So, Monica and I have officially decided to make Tuesdays our weekly lunch date day. That doesn't mean we can't go eat together on other days, that is just the one that we have reserved officially. It was Monica's turn to pick where we went and she chose La Fiesta. I would have to say we are frequent visitors there and it is sad when the wait staff knows you enough that they say hi and great you when they walk by the tables. Our waiter this time could use some improvements.....on our check they have nicknamed him Pancho....and he attempted to talk with a Spanish did not work for him!!! Monica had her usual 2 beef tacos and I decided to mix it up this time....I normally would order the "Speddy" but I went with a cheese quesadilla, taco and rice this time.
My Meal...yum:

Monica posing with her yummy food:
Monica and I out front of La Fiesta!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Just Trucking Along on My List...

I really probably should be doing something more productive with my time right now...but instead I thought it would be more important to make sure I keep track of what I have done on my list lately. So, for now I will consider these items still to be blogged about...

#3--Lunch with Monica @ La Fiesta
#6--Date night with Tj to The Goods
#43--La Fiesta and Hu Hot
#57--The Goods

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

101 Update....This takes some focus...

I realized when I decided to make this list, it would be a lot of work to accomplish the tasks I have on my to space them out, paying attention enough to keep track of them, taking pictures of the tasks, etc. I inadvertantly worked on a couple of things on my list this weekend. My grandparents celebrated their 50th Wedding anniversary this past Sunday by having a get together on Saturday in Garden City. I had a great time getting to see family and take lots of pictures while I was there. I even got Tj to go along for the ride and help out. My mom and I were in charge of the table decorations and those seemed to work out better than I could have ever planned. The day just seemed to go so smoothly and it was great. So once again, Congratulations Grandma and Grandpa on 50 years of marriage!!!

These are the tasks I worked on these past couple of days:
#13 Family Pictures
#42 Las Margaritas in Garden City, KS
#43 The Chef with Kayla

I have pictures that go along with these and will post them either later today or tomorrow!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 2 on the list

Yesterday was Day #2 of working on my 101 things to do in 1001 days and I have to say even though I have not completely crossed anything off my list yet, I feel like I am getting a good jump on things. Yesterday not only did I text my brother, I also ate dinner with him and was nice most of the time. Also, I started on #3 on my list...which is to eat breakfast, lunch, or dinner with friends at least once a month. Monica called me yesterday and invited me to lunch so I of course agreed to go. We ate at one of my favorite places in Manhattan...Carlos O'Kellys...which also helps me to work on #43 on my list. We were so busy talking about classes, first day mishaps, and my incorrect food order that we didn't get any pictures taken....maybe next time I will remember.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Beginning

So, I had grand plans of on my first day of my list I wanted to accomplish or do something so I could say I had one thing done and completed, but with the start of my junior year of college that just did not happen. So far I am pretty sure this will be my hardest semester yet and my classes will actually take effort and studying. I did start one thing on my list...#43, I ate lunch at Salsaritas in the Union. I would have taken a picture of it if I wasn't so stressed about just spending so much money on books for 2 classes...that's a whole other story. I am also working on #11 at the moment...talking to my brother. It's not that I don't talk to him, I would just like to talk to him more than I do. That's all for today...maybe by tomorrow I will have another thing that I have worked on.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Getting Ready

I am getting closer to starting my 101 things to do in 1001 days list...and I am getting excited/nervous to start it. I am starting my list on Monday which is also my first day back to school for the semester and my list will end on my 23rd birthday. I have a lot to accomplish between now and then and will hopefully be able to complete most of it. As I complete tasks or at least work on them I will try to blog about them as much as I can. I will update my master list of 101 things as I start them or complete them. I am ready to start!!!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

101 in 1001 Days

The Mission:

Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:

Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on my part).

Why 1001 Days?

Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple goals such as New Year's resolutions. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips or outdoor activities.

Some common goal setting tips:

1. Be decisive. Know exactly what you want, why you want it, and how you plan to achieve it.

2. Stay Focussed. Any goal requires sustained focus from beginning to end. Constantly evaluate your progress.

3. Welcome Failure. Frequently, very little is learned from a venture that did not experience failure in some form. Failure presents the opportunity to learn and makes the success more worthy.

4. Write down your goals. It clarifies your thinking and reinforces your commitment.

5. Keep your goals in sight. Review them frequently, and ensure that they are always at the forefront of your thinking.

Start Date: August 24, 2009
End Date: May 21, 2012


Green = In Progress

Blue = Completed

Family, Friends & Relationships
1. Get Engaged
2. Get Married
3. Go on a breakfast, lunch or dinner date with friends at least once a month [3/33] (8/25/2009-Monica; 9/1/2009-Monica; 10/12/2009)
4. Write 17 letters…each to a different person [0/17]
5. Make 3 new friends [3/3]
6. Go on a date night at least once a month [1/33] (9/1/2009 Movie Night)
7. Go on a spa day with friends
8. Send homemade cards to friends or family for birthdays for 1 year
9. Send an email or letter to favorite photographers to let them know how much I appreciate their work
10. Go on a family vacation…Jonathan can be included this time around
11. E-mail, text, or talk to my brother at least once a month [3/33] (8/25/2009; 9/8/2009; 10/8/2009)
12. Plant flowers with Mom
13. Get pictures taken with family, best friends, and Tj (8/29/2009 Family Picture)

14. Travel to 7 states [4/7] (Nebraska, South Dakota, Iowa, Missouri)
15. Go on a cruise
16. Go to Disney World
17. Go to Colorado (July 5th-10th)
18. Stay on the beach
19. Go Camping
20. Go on a picnic
21. Go to World’s of Fun and ride every roller coaster (maybe not every single one, but rode a ton! June 18, 2011)
22. Go to a casino and play at least one round of blackjack and roulette
23. Be a Wamego tourist for a day—Visit the Oz Museum, Go to the Historical Museum, etc.
24. Go skydiving or deep sea diving
25. Take Tj deep sea fishing
26. Go to a hockey game
27. Go through a corn maze
28. Visit the Tucker family
29. Visit the Kansa Prairie
30. Go to Kool-Aid Days
31. Visit 7 museums [1/7] (Kansas Underground Salt Museum)

Education & Work
32. Finish my Bachelor’s Degree (May 2011)
33. Go for my Master’s Degree or find a career I love
34. Take an entrepreneurship class
35. Take a photography class or attend a photography session (9/4/2009)
36. Relinquish my duties as the bank cleaning lady
37. Bake treats and take to Sears to share (9/13/2009; 10/10/2009)

Food, Cooking & Restaurants
38. Find & Try making 21 new recipes [1/21]
39. Ask Dad to teach me how to make gravy
40. Go 1 month without drinking any pop [0/30]
41. Tip an amazing waiter/waitress 100%
42. Try 7 new restaurants [4/7] (Las Margaritas 8/28/2009, Rock-a-Belly Deli, Colbert, El Tapatia)
43. Try at least 50 restaurants in Manhattan, KS [18/50] (Salsaritas 8/24/2009; Carlos O'Kellys 8/25/2009; The Chef 8/26/2009; La Fiesta 9/1/2009; HuHot 9/2/2009; McAlisters 9/6/2009; Hunam 9/9/2009; Chilis 9/16/2009; Dairy Queen 9/19/2009; Ihop 9/22/2009; Famous Daves 9/23/2009; Jimmy Johns 9/26/2009; Old Chicago 9/27/2009; Whiskey Creek 10/12/2009; Colbert; Rock-a-Belly Deli; Cox Brothers' BBQ, El Tapatia)
44. Go to a Hard Rock Café whenever the chance arises
45. Host a BBQ at house making everything
46. Try sushi
47. Try those nasty vegetables again to see if I still don’t like them….cooked spinach, asparagus, and mushrooms [3/3]
48. Skip all fast food for 1 week
49. Don’t eat ice cream for 1 month
50. Go 1 month without candy…including chocolate
51. Take a cake decorating class
52. Invest in a good quality set of pots and pans

Entertainment, Reading & Fun
53. Read the whole Scarpetta series by Patricia Cornwell, starting from the beginning
54. Buy Daily Guideposts…and read it
55. Read the top 10 novels of all time
56. Buy a 1-year subscription to 3 magazines that will benefit me [0/3]
57. Watch 26 new movies…each starting with a different letter from the alphabet [5/26] (Breakfast Club; Confessions of a Shopaholic; The Goods; My Best Friend's Girl; Senior Skip Day)
58. Watch all Adam Sandler movies and rate favorite to least
59. Watch 5 scary movies with Tj [0/5]
60. Go to 7 plays at the Columbian Theatre [2/7] (The Wizard of Oz; The Kitchen Witches)
61. Go skiing (water or snow)
62. Take dancing lessons with Tj
63. Complete a coloring book
64. Host a board game and card party
65. Play Bingo
66. Go Bowling

Photography & Hobbies
67. Buy a new DSLR camera and read the whole manual
68. Buy an external flash and learn how to use it
69. Buy a wide angle lens
70.Start a Website for A. Staats Photography
71.Get a SmugMug account
72. Develop a portfolio
73. Schedule 10 sessions in 1 month (October 2010)
74. Shoot 17 weddings [15/17]
75. Take pictures in a photo booth at least 7 times [2/7]
76. Paint on canvas
77. Complete 5 scrapbooks [0/5]
78. Make 7 candles [0/7]
79. Organize pictures on the computer and put hardcopies in albums
80. Photograph as many of these tasks as possible
81. Build a bookcase, shelf, or something out of wood mostly by myself

82. Go to the gym everyday for 1 month
83. Buy multi-vitamins and take them every day until gone…buy more and repeat
84. Don’t buy any clothing for 1 month (8/25/2009-9/25/2009)
85. Clean my closet out 2 times per year and donate old clothes to Salvation Army
86. Volunteer to help with Sunday School and Vacation Bible School @ UMC
87. Help current 4-H members with fair projects
88. Stay off of Facebook for 1 week
89. Keep a journal for 30 days [0/30]
90. Donate blood 3 times [0/3]
91. Donate to Locks of Love again
92. Buy a pair of TOMS shoes
93. Write a Thank You for every gift received for 7 months
94. Wash my car and clean it out once a week for 5 weeks
95. Buy a house
96. Start a Roth IRA
97. Save $50 per month [$150/$1,650]
98. Save $5 for every task completed [$15/$505]
99. Donate $5 to Relay for Life for every task not completed
100. Write my Bucket List
101. Make another 101 list of things to do in 1001 days!